DIY Felt Boards
Art and Craft Projects for Kids
Build Language Skills Through Pretend Play
Playing with Felt Boards is a classic activity that is simple to make at home and is sure to keep the kids busy while they pretend and create their own stories. Playing with the felt pieces lead children to develop language skills as they use their imagination.
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DIY Felt Boards Build Language Skills
We weren’t thinking about making our own DIY felt boards but sometimes when we are doing one thing the creative juices start flowing! This activity comes to us from a very smart, creative boy. While we were making the felt garlands, he decided that he would rather make a felt board. It just happened to be October so, of course, he chose to make Halloween-inspired figures. So here is our homemade felt board.
Target Skills for a DIY Felt Board:
Fine motor
Language and Story Telling
Materials for a DIY Felt Board:
- Felt
- Scissors
- Markers or Chalk
- Printable Halloween Felt Board Template

Simple Instructions for a DIY Felt Board:
- Have the children draw simple shapes or figures on the felt.
- You can also use templates and cut out pictures, then trace their shape onto the felt.
- Young children can use stencils.
- Make sure to draw on the side that you want to use face down.
- Cut out the shapes and tell a story! (Young children may need help cutting out the shapes and figures.)
More Felt Board Fun!
- DLTK's Crafts for Kids has a variety of Felt Board Printables for your favorite stories and holiday celebrations.
- Preschool Inspiration has some awesome flannel board stories for group time or circle time.
- My Bored Toddler has a wonderful Happy Faces activity that the tots will love.