Go on an Abstract Art Adventure
Art and Craft Projects for Kids
Boy Meets Abstract Art
Going on an Abstract Art Adventure
Yesterday I wanted to take my boy to attend the Fungus Federation Fungi Fair in a nearby town. I was excited to expand our knowledge and to meet other fellow fungi enthusiasts. I expected that my boy would be excited about the outing. After all, learning about mushrooms leads to fun forages in the woods.
But alas, when I picked up my son from school he quickly informed me that all he wanted to do was come home and relax, maybe work on an abstract art painting. Even though my heart was set on the fair, his plan sounded great, so that’s exactly what we did and as it turns out, exactly what I needed.

Let go of expectations and let art happen!
I love going on adventures with my son. I love introducing him to new places, people, and ideas, but some of our best adventures happen at home. Last night was quite an adventure in abstract art and although I hung up a painting cloth behind the larger than life canvas, paint still managed to travel to the surrounding walls. I cleaned most of it before it dried, but I’m sure, that in time, I will find splotches of paint that will transport me back to that magical evening of letting go of expectations and letting art happen.
Making time and space for children to use their imaginations, to explore their own interests, and to go in their own direction creates the true adventures of childhood. It is like magic to be able to watch them develop, learn and grow just by experiencing different things.

Set up an abstract art painting station for your children and watch their creativity bloom.
If the weather is nice, you can send them outside to paint. We were lucky to find our larger than life canvas on sale, but a large piece of cardboard could also be used. Once the painting is finished, ask the children to tell you about their painting. Sometimes the stories they come up with are a whole new adventure.
Let art happen in your home.